31 December 2015 to 31 December 2019 - PROJECT CLOSED

The ITPAR Programme (India-Trento Programme for Advanced Research) was born in the frame of the Agreement signed in July 2003 between the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Indian government, the Autonomous Province of Trento (through the Trentitino Cultural Institute, now Bruno Kessler Foundation) and the University of Trento.

ITPAR’s main purpose is to put the basis for a strong and equal technological and scientific collaboration in the designated fields (for phase-3: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Microsystems, Physics and Material Science, Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Nano-Photonics, Cognitive Neurosciences, Physics for Energy and Environment, Renewable Energies), through actions permeating the joint research effort.
The specific goal of RSDE in ITPAR phase-3 project is developing advanced techniques being able to effectively analyse data acquired by the “last-generation” remote sensing sensors: i) Very high spatial/spectral resolution optical images; ii) Very high resolution polarimetric SAR images; and iii) Multi/hyper-temporal SAR and optical images. During the activity novel applications will be investigated with attention to challenges related to environmental monitoring, land surveillance, and man-made and natural resources.